Payment terms
Cash payment
By check payable to
La Cophena Négoce & Consulting SAS
Wire Transfer
IBAN FR76 3000 3043 2200 0200 6316 778
By credit card
A link for payment will be sent to you
Discount for early payment : none
Late penalties
ECB rate increased by 10 points payable in the event of non-payment on the settlement date without a reminder being necessary.
Lump sum compensation for recovery costs in the event of late payment: € 40
Retention of title
It is agreed that the seller remains the owner of the goods sold as long as the purchaser has not fully paid him the price provided for in this contract.
As a result, in the event of non-payment, the seller may demand, at any time, the return of said goods.
On the other hand, if the goods are damaged, lost or stolen, the buyer will be fully responsible for the consequences of this disaster. He is required to take out insurance which will guarantee payment of the indemnity to the seller.